Your Dollars Make a Difference

Guru Ram Das Ashram is funded through the contributions of its community members and supporters like you.  Help Guru Ram Das Ashram thrive with your loving support.  Your tax-deductible contributions help us continue to share with the greater community our mission of service, and our vision of a healthy, happy and holy lifestyle.

You may designate your donation for one or more of the following funds that support Guru Ram Das Ashram. Below are various donation payment methods:


Click on the Donate button to donate to Sikh Dharma of Southern California/Guru Ram Das Ashram using PayPal.


The Guru Ram Das Ashram Community Growth Fund supports all of the operating expenses associated with the Gurdwara.

For more details visit the Community Growth Fund page.

The glorious celebration of the birthday of our beloved Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan reminded us again of the impact of his presence and teachings in our lives, and of the special place he established and named Guru Ram Das Ashram, the center of our community life together in the Court of the Shabd Guru.

The Gurpurbs and events fundraising is underway! Our goal is $5000. Here's how you can give now:

You can either give a one time donation or support Guru Ram Das Ashram thoughout the year with monthly donations (see second donation button).

One Time Donation


Support Guru Ram Das Ashram with monthly donations!

Choose an amount by clicking on the drop-down menu arrow:



The Guru's Langar Fund helps the Guru Ram Das Ashram create a cozy and spiritually uplifting place, with divine food for the body and soul.

One Time Donation


Support the "Guru's Langar Fund" throughout the year with monthly donations

Monthly Donations



The Baisakhi Fund enables us to host, every year, the largest Baisakhi Celebration in the West. Click Here for more information about Baisakhi.

One Time Donation


Support Baisakhi throughout the year with monthly donations

Choose an amount by clicking on the drop-down menu arrow:


Here are other ways you can support and donate Guru Ram Das Ashram and Sikh Dharma of Southern California:


Make your donations, in any amount, to:

Sikh Dharma of Southern California

PO Box 35657

Los Angeles, CA  90035


Never write a check again!  To have funds automatically donated to Guru Ram Das Ashram from your checking account (or to increase your current contribution), contact Karan Nam Singh, Community Coordinator 310-201-0954, or email him at


Let your online searches do your donating for you!  By using GoodSearch as your Internet search engine, you can generate funds for Guru Ram Das Ashram. Go to and enter "Sikh Dharma of Los Angeles" under "Who do you GoodSearch for," click on Verify, and then start searching the Internet as usual.


With GoodShop up to 30% of every purchase will go to your favorite cause!  Find coupons and deals for more than 1,000 stores while helping support Guru Ram Das Ashram.

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Community Growth Fund




Send all mail to:


Sikh Dharma of Southern California
P.O. Box 35657
Los Angeles, CA  90035


Contact Information