Weekly Updates

Gurdwara Hours

Monday – Friday......8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Saturday................ ..8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Sunday.................. ..7:00 am – 4:30 pm

Sunday Kirtan Program

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, 10:30 am

11:00 am......Harkirat Singh and Simran Sat Sangeet Kaur

.....................Sadhana Jot Singh

.....................Ajai Singh

12:00 pm......Song of the Khalsa & Anand Sahib

12:15 pm......Ardas and Hukam

12:30 pm      Guru ka Langar

Our Sunday Kirtan Program is held in-person at

Guru Ram Das Ashram and Live on Zoom and Facebook.

Facebook Live: Streaming Link

Zoom: Streaming Link

Meeting ID: 857 6805 3821

Passcode: 597930

Find your local number: Link

-Bow & Donate-

The Passing of Sat Kartar Kaur Khalsa

May 6, 1951 - March 16, 2025

Sat Kartar Kaur Khalsa


Dear Friends and Family,


Sat Nam, on Thursday March 20, 2025, we will be holding a cremation ceremony for Sat Kartar Khalsa at 10:00 am at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Please join us to pray, meditate, and celebrate her passage from earth on to her next step. We would love for friends, family, and sangat to come and celebrate her journey unto the Infinite. The service will begin with Japji, Waheguru chanting/Simran, followed by Ardas and Kirtan Sohila.


Sat Kartar Khalsa was born on May 6th, 1951 in Atlanta, Georgia. She joined the 3H0 dharma in 1971 and lived in the ashrams in Virginia/DC, Espanola, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. During Sat Kartar's youth, she developed a love for music that carried forward and permeated her time on this earth until the end of her life; the staff at her senior care played her music for the other residents in her final days. She passed away on March 16, 2025 at approximately 7:30 pm in peace, surrounded by her family.

She is survived by her two children Ajai Khalsa and Sukhmani Khalsa.





Also, on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at Guru Ram Das Ashram as part of the Sunday Kirtan Program, we will chant Akal for the soul of Sat Kartar Kaur, and serve special dessert provided in her memory.

Sign-Up for the GRDA Virtual Akhand Path

Wed., March 19th to Sat., March 22nd

Click here for more details.

Sat Nam, Dear Sadh Sangat Ji,

To continue the vibration of the sound current of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in the Guru Ram Das Ashram community, we're bringing the Akhand Path online.

The next Virtual Akhand Path begins on Wednesday, April 17. We encourage you to sign up for an available reading slot and experience the Guru's blessing. Please email your phone number to Karan Nam Singh coordinator@gururamdasashram.org if you're a new reader.

Please contact the Guru Ram Das Ashram community coordinator, Karan Nam Singh, if you have any questions (310) 858-7691.

Seva Opportunities for the Sadh Sangat

Next Ishnaan Seva - Saturday, March 29th, 8:30 – 11:30 am


* Purchase and replace on Saturday, Approx. $40/week

* Purchase and be reimbursed (with receipt)


Sunday Guru's Langar.

* Provide the food

* Provide some of the food (one or two dishes)

* Donate funds for all or part of the langar

All of these are great ways to serve the Guru’s Sangat, celebrate a special occasion, and uplift your heart. Please call 310-858-7691 or email coordinator@gururamdasashram.org for more information or to volunteer for a seva.

Ways to Donate to Guru Ram Das Ashram:

Click to Donate


· Write your check to Sikh Dharma of Southern CA and mail it to

P.O. Box 35657, Los Angeles, CA 90035.

· EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). Click one of the links below to start donating every month from your checking or savings account to:

- The General Fund and the programs it supports: Click Here.

- Guru’s Langar Hall and related programs: Click Here.

· PayPal allows you to make an one-time or recurring monthly donation with your credit card.

· KindBase allows you to make a one-time donation with your credit card.

· Bill Pay Have your donation deducted from your checking account, either automatically or as a one time payment. See your bank or credit union for details.

Ardas for Guru's Blessings

Sat Nam, Dear Guru Ram Das Ashram Sadh Sangat:

We would like to offer another way for you to add a name to the Ardas sheet to ask for Guru’s Blessings.

You may call or email the Community Coordinator at 310.201.0954 coordinator@gururamdasashram.org with the names you would like to put on the Ardas sheet. Names will be placed on the Ardas sheet for 1 week for Blessings.

We ask that you consider making a donation in honor of the person whose name you have placed on the Ardas sheet.

Thank you and many blessings.

Group Sadhana in the Time of Coronavirus

Sat Nam! In case you are looking for a virtual daily Aquarian Sadhana, go to this google sheet for the schedule and zoom link. If you would like to lead any part of it (Japji, yoga, chanting, Ardas, Hukam), please let me know. I hope to “see” you soon!


Har Simran Kaur


Narayan Shabad Recitation

Hari Har Singh Khalsa invites you to join him in reciting the Narayan Shabad in the Gurdwara at Guru Ram Das Ashram.

This will happen daily at 3:00 p.m., for 31 minutes, beginning on Monday, March 17 and continuing for 40 days.

Everyone is Welcome!

Thank you for your kind donation that enables the So. Cal. Sikh Community to celebrate Vaisakhi in Downtown Los Angeles!

Click here

SAVE THE DATE ! Sunday, April 20, 2025


Kirtan Darbar & Nagar Kirtan

Vaisakhi 2025

Sikh Dharma of Southern California | Guru Ram Das Ashram

Ashram (310) 858-7691 | Office (310) 201-0954



Community Growth Fund




Send all mail to:


Sikh Dharma of Southern California
P.O. Box 35657
Los Angeles, CA  90035


Contact Information