Akhand Path

Akhand Path

Virtual Akhand Path to start on Wednesday, Apr. 2nd.


Sat Nam, Dear Sadh Sangat Ji,

To continue the vibration of the sound current of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in the Guru Ram Das Ashram community, we bring to you the weekly Akhand Path online. You will be able to read from home by signing up for reading slot(s), see below.

We encourage everyone to sign up for an available reading slot to feel the vibration of Guru's blessing. Please email your phone number to Karan Nam Singh coordinator@gururamdasashram.org if you're a new reader.

Please contact the Guru Ram Das Ashram community coordinator, Karan Nam Singh, if you have any questions. 310-201-0954.

Reading in the Virtual Akhand Path/Sahej Path:

  • SIGN UP: To sign up for a reading slot in the Akhand Path, open schedule in Google docs here > It is not necessary to list your phone number if you do not want it revealed to the general public.

All readers please email your contact info with phone number to the Community Coordinator at coordinator@gururamdasashram.org.

Phone numbers will not be on the general sign up sheet.  We request your numbers to be able to contact you with reminder calls or texts.

  • SIRI GURU GRANTH:< Download the PDF  of the complete Siri Guru Granth here > onto your desktop and open. To get to your assigned page, type the page number in the box in the upper left-hand corner of the PDF and then you will need to scroll down to the appropriate page. (There are extra title pages in this pdf.) Please check you're on the right page before starting to read.


Maintain a sacred space for the Guru when you read from your home. This includes, all the same protocol that we adhere to in the Gurdwara. Cover your head, remove your shoes, wash your hand and feet, maintain a clean, graceful and sacred space where you are going to read.



  • It is advisable that you download the pdf and have your area set up before your reading hour, so you are ready to read on time.

  • Write down your assigned page numbers next to you so you know when to finish.

We suggest you start reading 5 minutes early at the top of the first page of your assigned pages to help ensure a continuous sound current through the Akhand Path.  Read aloud through the hour and an additional 5 minutes until you have finished your assigned pages. 


You can also download the pdfs for each individual volume of the 5 Volume Set of the Siri Guru Granth in Gurmukhi and English below:

The pages you need to read for each hour slot are shown below:

SGGS Volume Change Info

All are welcome to read in the Akhand Path.  Please read more for the guidelines.An Akhand Path is a continuous reading from start to finish of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The 11th of the Sikh Gurus, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the compilation of the hymns and writings of earlier Sikh Gurus and other saints and sages. Sikhs bow to the Word, the Truth and the Light that is manifested through the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The purpose of the Akhand Path is to create an "umbrella" of light and protection for the community and to give participants the opportunity to experience deeper insight, understanding, and experience of the Shabad Guru (The word as Guru).

Guru Ram Das Ashram holds an Akhand Path every week. This tradition has been consistently upheld for over 35 years, deeply imbuing Guru Ram Das Ashram and its visitors with the healing vibration of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.

All are welcome to participate in the Akhand Path, which usually begins every Wednesday at 6 a.m. and concludes each Saturday at 6 a.m. You can come to listen, silently meditate or read. To sign up for a one-hour reading slot, visit the Sevadar desk in front of the Ashram or call the Sevadar at (310) 858-7691.

Sponsoring an Akhand Path

You can sponsor an Akhand Path as a powerful prayer for a special occasion such as birth, marriage or death or to send healing energy to a loved one. A suggested offering to sponsor an Akhand Path is at least $108. You may also provide Langar at the beginning and/or end, or make an additional offering of flowers or ramalas.  If you are interested in sponsoring an Akhand Path, call the Community Coordinator at (310) 201-0954 or e-mail coordinator@gururamdasashram.org.

Reminders for Readers

Immersed in the sound current one experiences the bliss of the Akhand Path. The success of the Akhand Path to remain unbroken and end on time depends on the care and dedication of every reader.  The following guidelines are provided to ensure your participation in the Akhand Path is graceful and uplifting.


Once you have signed up for a slot, the community relies on you to keep your commitment and arrive on time.  If you need to cancel, please contact the Sevadar as soon as possible to allow enough time to find a replacement. If you need to cancel less than 24 hours in advance, we ask you to find your own replacement for that time slot and call the Sevadar with the name of your replacement reader.

Getting Ready to Read

  • Please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time.
  • Please make sure your head is covered and your shoes are left outside before entering the building.  If you do not have a head covering, the Sevadar will provide one for you.
  • Wash and dry your hands just before reading.  The bathroom is inside the Ashram to the right.
  • Before taking the reader's place, check the page numbers for your hour on the schedule (a laminated copy is on the platform) so you can set your reading pace to help keep the Akhand Path on time (65 pages/hour or 20 Pages of the Gurmukhi pages).
  • As you stand behind the current reader, the current reader should point clearly to where he or she is reading so you can follow along.  Begin reading out loud with the current reader and then sit down once the reader has gotten up.

Guidelines for Reading in the Akhand Path

  • The Akhand Path must remain unbroken.
  • Keep reading, no matter what happens.
  • If no one comes to relieve you at the appropriate time, continue reading until the next reader relieves you.  If you have an emergency, ring the bell and the Sevadar will find someone to relieve you.
  • In case of power outage, use the flashlight and keep reading.
  • Do not skip to another place in the text or speak to anyone for any reason while reading.
  • Read out loud in the language you are most fluent in.  You may read in Gurmukhi if you can do so accurately and quickly enough. If you need to change from one language to another, do so after completing a section.
  • Each word must be spoken out loud, including all the headings and, if you are reading the English translation, the word "Pause" when it appears.
  • Adjust your reading speed as necessary to keep the Akhand Path on time.
  • If you reach the end of a volume, ring the bell for assistance unless you are familiar with how to change volumes without breaking the flow.



Community Growth Fund




Send all mail to:


Sikh Dharma of Southern California
P.O. Box 35657
Los Angeles, CA  90035


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